Closing date - June 16th
Do you want the best Club Position?
Do you want the opportunity to choose your space?
Booking Early?
Heres what you need to do!
1 - Book by Bank Transfer
2 - Book at least 5 tickets on Nov 1st.
The form will go live 8am Nov 1st, complete and return your form and make your bank transfer within 1 hour. Club Stands will be allocated in the order the forms are received by us.
(You can pay before the form goes live if required please email nolimitseventsuk@gmail.com if you don't have our bank details). First 10 clubs get to choose their space. The next best space will be allocated after the first 10. Don't forget to confirm your email once you have completed the form (you will be sent a link) or we will not receive it. If payment is not received in time the form will go to the back of the pile. Tip: The best spaces are hotly contended, be fast with the form, everyone has the same chance.

We try and make it as easy as we can for you
All your club needs to do is purchase at least 5 tickets to automatically be allocated a club stand.
Buy by Bank Transfer (no booking fee's) Your tickets will be processed and emailed to you. or - you and your members can book their own tickets online. (Fee's apply to online tickets)
Bank Transfer - Complete the form below and send your payment by scanning the QR code or using the bank details on the form. You will be asked to confirm your email address, please make sure you complete this step. You can book additional tickets by making further bank transfers and sending an email to nolimitseventsuk@gmail.com
Online - Register your club on the form below. Then direct your members to the Ticket page to purchase their tickets. If you are booking by Bank Transfer you do not need to use this form.
Our Ticket Pricing
Club Terms & Conditions

A Club Exhibition Space will be automatically allocated to your club when at least 5 Club Tickets are purchased. 5 is the min for a club stand there is no Max number you can book.
Club Stand Exhibition Spaces are allocated in the order the first 5 driver tickets are booked.
Once you have your first 5 you can continue to book until the closing date JUNE 16TH